Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Would Cost $250M

Kim Kardashian’s schedule for 2015 includes filing for divorce from Kanye West but little else with the father of her only child, North West. Both Kim Kardashian and husband Kanye West have some important plans for 2015 that have recently been revealed, and it seems the two will be living separate lives, ultimately resulting in divorce. The self-absorbed couple has looked even more miserable lately than usual—pictured twice with Kanye grousing and Kim walking ahead ignoring him almost as much as she ignores daughter North West.

The question most people are asking is, 'Is Kim Kardashian pregnant and divorcing Kanye West?' Kim and Kanye have shocked the world by somehow making it this far along in their marriage, but it looks like that’s the best they can do. Don’t feel bad guys – nobody thought you would even make it to this point before divorce got you.
According to In Touch Weekly, Kim Kardashian is pregnant with her second kid, but that doesn’t matter to Kanye. He wants to dump Kim and her fame-whore-y pregnant ass, especially after the second nude scandal.

A ‘source’ tells In Touch Weekly that Kanye and Kim have been fighting incessantly, and Kim has been complaining about how it’s ‘unfair’ that she’s expected to follow Kanye around the world all the time. Um, maybe it’s because he has a career and she doesn't…?
Then, this ‘source’ claims that Kanye has a narcissistic personality disorder [tell us something we don’t know] and that he’s blaming Kim for the nude photo leak.
Eh. I’m usually all for blaming the Kardashians for anything that ever gets ‘leaked’, but this was actually not her fault and no matter Kanye’s own issues, I think he knows that. However, I also think there’s a 0.00001% chance that Kim would ever pick a fight with Kanye, knowing that his ego would never be able to take such criticisms. There is just no way would that Kim Kardashian risk losing her biggest ticket to fame since her sex tape by divorcing her megalomaniac and if she has to follow Kanye West around the world and pretend as though she hates the attention, so be it. She’ll totally make the ‘sacrifice’, and she won’t complain about it. Nice try, ‘source’.
Also, if Kim really was pregnant with her second baby, Kanye would wait until shegave birth to that baby and then peace out. He’s not going to risk losing custody of his own children just because he can’t put up with Kim’s whining.

One thing Kim didn’t ignore in the Tweet, however, was the chance to endorse a bronzer from the Kardashian line of tanning creams. Kim knows she’s got to step up all her marketing efforts and is hoping to get some more endorsement deals as she is trying to plan for a future without Kanye…and his money. Kim knows that the divorce could cost her a pretty penny…basically because she is an expert now…so she is carefully planning ahead.
Kanye West, pictured angrily trailing behind Kim Kardashian, is planning a major tour this year that has been kept pretty quiet. The only confirmation came from singer Rihanna’s charity as they auctioned off a special private VIP package for some unlucky lucky winner who will get to spend time with Kanye. Official dates have not yet been announced.
The divorce papers

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